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Remember that we have a new start time this year!  First bell is at 8:01 a.m. First period begins at 8:05 a.m. 

School Pictures

Student ID and yearbook photos will be taken at VAN BUREN MIDDLE SCHOOL date TBD. Photos are prepaid. To order visit Ken Brown website, Access Key: 7DKQB5GV

There is a 20% discount and free shipping if you order online by midnight on picture day and use discount code: VANBURENM  

Note: This means you will order without seeing the photo.

Bell Schedules 

School Supplies List and Bell Schedules

VBMS Student Handbook 2023_2024.pdf

In-Person Registration Support

VBMS Registrar/Clerk Annette Caine will be available for in-person registration support July 30, 31 and August 2 and 5, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. each of those days.  Please provide the following with you for in-person registration:

  • Proof of Residency (utility bill, lease agreement, etc...)
  • If you are family living with family, you will need to complete the APS form (Family Living With Family)
  • Current  Immunization Records
  • Birth Certificate (only if you are brand new to APS)
  • Current Phone and Email for all parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • 2-3 Emergency Contacts with current phone numbers
  • Any other supporting documents you trust we will need (IEP, 504 plan, doctor or medical records)